
The Wonders Of Motherhood

There are many wonders on earth such as the pyramids of Giza, the ancient Mayan ruins and the Great Wall of China. What talent and brains it must have taken to build them and to accomplish such marvels. People have always admired individuals who have accomplished great things like the oscar winner, olympic athlete, best selling author or business tycoon. These individuals are always seen as the epitome of greatness and we wonder how they were able to accomplish such a spectacular feat.

We are flooded with images daily sending us messages of what we should try to become. Striving for fulfillment thru unattainable standards is the trap many women fall into. In the minds of many women, their bodies will never be perfect enough, there isn’t enough time in the day for their husbands, and chasing the perfect career can make us feel like a mouse in the race for the cheese. When we can’t get these areas perfect or at least close to it, it can leave a sense of guilt. Another area of guilt can come from our levels of spirituality. Well known motivational speakers, authors and spiritual leaders make it sound so easy to perfectly balance our spiritual walk and hectic lives. Maybe we aren’t spiritual enough, should have prayed a little longer, meditated a little harder and volunteered a little more is what we sometimes end up feeling.

Now that I am a mom, I sit in awe of my daughter. What a wonder to see this baby develop into a little person, developing into her big personality and how her little mind absorbs everything around her. She has the feet, complexion, and hair of her mother, the sense of humor of her father and the face of her grandmother. How can anyone doubt there is a God or at least a higher being as one may call it, when they see such a marvelous creation? Nothing that is man made compares to this remarkable God made child. Sure man has tried to recreate this miracle with science and test tubes but the ingredients inside of those tubes is not man made.

As mothers our look on life changes, our eyes are opened and things that were once so important don’t seem so now. Our focus is now off of ourselves and on making our children’s little worlds a better place. You get an unexplainable since of fulfillment that nothing else in life has ever given you and a love that is indescribable. As moms we find a strength within ourselves that we never knew was there. There are times when we as moms just want to break down but can’t cave in and quit because our children’s lives depend on us. So what moms your stomachs aren’t as flat and maybe you didn’t climb the career ladder fast enough. Both your inner and outer beauty and strength is the true wonder in this world.

In this stage in my life as a mom, I try not to focus so much on the mistakes of my past or present. I pray that my daughter will be thankful for the good decisions I made and forgive me for the not so good ones. I want her to know that I did not make a single decision without first considering her. I look into her eyes and see that I have finally accomplished greatness.

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